All I need to know about the surveys


The surveys are an important component for the evaluation of the KPI phase. The focus of the surveys is mainly on qualitative feedback and general user experience with NUIA during the KPI Phase.

It is very important to us to receive your personal opinions, wishes and suggestions to optimize NUIA. Each response is carefully evaluated and included for further analysis and development plannings.

The answers we receive with the KPI data will be kept strictly confidential and anonymous. It is not possible for us to trace the received data back to a single person. Therefore, please do not add any contact information to the text fields of the surveys.

How exactly do the surveys work?

In a KPI phase there are three surveys for each user. These have to be answered chronologically. Notifications to complete a survey are activated after 4 hours of NUIA usage with eye tracking. There is a time frame for each survey. The first survey is already available after the first day of NUIA usage. The second survey activates after six days and the last survey seven days before the end of the KPI phase.

If a survey is not completed before the next survey is available, the previous survey will be skipped. Any skipped survey can still be accessed at any time.

KPI Umfrage verwalten #361 ENHere you can manage your surveys

Umfragemanager #361 ENWith this here yellow marked button, you can repeat the skipped survey

What surveys are there?

  1. Survey for the first impression
  2. Survey for the first User Experience
  3. Survey for the final user satisfaction and suggestions for improvements

Subsequent changes in a survey

How you can change your answers afterwards is described in the article "How do I set up NUIA Productivity+ for the KPI phase?".